Sunday, April 29, 2012

Where to Start-Minnesota


While all young children grow and change at their own rate, some children experience delays in their development. Special health conditions may affect children's development, too. Accessing early intervention services as early as possible will ensure the best developmental outcomes for these children.

The mission of Goodwill/Easter Seals Minnesota is to assist people with barriers to education, employment and independence in achieving their goals.

Goodwill/Easter Seals Minnesota
553 Fairview Ave. N.
St Paul, MN 55104

Phone: 651-379-5800
Fax: 651-379-5803


MN Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (0166.R05.00)
Provides adult day care, caregiver living expenses, case management, homemaker, prevocational, respite, supported exployment, extended home health care, extended personal care assistance, extended State plan private duty nursing, 24-hr emergency assistance, adult companion services, adult day care bath, adult foster care, behavioral programming, child foster care, chore services, consumer-directed community supports-personal assistance, consumer-directed community supports-self-direction support activities, consumer-directed community supports-environmental mods and provisions, consumer-directed community supports-treatment and training, customized living-24 hr, customized living, environmental accessibility adaptations, family training and counseling, home delivered meals, housing access coordination, independent living skills training services, managed care premiums, residential care, specialized equipment and supplies, transitional services, transportation for disabled other and physically disabled individuals ages 0 -64

TEFRA: (Tax, Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982)

Under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), states may provide Medicaid coverage to children with severe disabilities, disregarding their family income, if these children require care at an institutional (hospital, nursing home or intermediate care facility) level.
When a child receives extended care in an institutional setting, family income is disregarded as a qualification for Medicaid. The TEFRA State Plan Option makes it possible to do the same for a family whose child requires care at the level provided in an institution, but who choose to care for their child at home. Currently, 18 states and the District of Columbia have chosen to implement the TEFRA State Plan Option. Because states vary widely in the availability of institutional care for children and the clinical criteria for admitting children to these institutions, the numbers of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) who receive Medicaid benefits under this option also varies widely from state to state.

Please check with your state office to see if TEFRA is offered in your state.


Children’s genetics clinic is one of the largest in the region, providing 2,000 patient visits per year to children and teens from Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota, Michigan, and Nebraska. We care for children with genetic conditions, adults whose conditions originated in childhood, and families with a history of pediatric genetic issues. Our program’s size and dedicated administrative staff allow us to see most new patients within six weeks.

Children’s is the only genetics clinic in Minnesota with a focus on clinical care of pediatric patients and conditions. Children’s pediatric, clinical focus means your child’s care includes:


Welcome to the Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota. You will find good company here. The Association is composed of some 3,000 members; more than 900 people with Down syndrome, their families and friends, plus health-care, education and developmental professionals. We are the only organization in our region devoted exclusively to the needs of people with Down syndrome and their families.
656 Transfer Road
St. Paul, MN 55114
(651) 603-0720
(800) 511-3696


Mission is to promote awareness and acceptance in the community for all individuals with Down syndrome (DS). We hope to have individuals of all ages and backgrounds with Down syndrome supported and accepted in their communities.

Our Mission: Promoting and protecting the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and actively supporting their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
800 Transfer Road, Suite 7A, St. Paul, MN 55114

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