Saturday, December 26, 2015

Removing MSG could help your family. Here is why.

As the new year is approaching, many people will re-evaluate their diets.  Many moms will re-evaluate their children's diets.  Could it be more healthy or more nutritionally valuable?   I have read many times that what you eat either helps you or hurts you.  I wanted to share some important information for you to ponder over that could positively affect your family and your children, especially if they have the diagnosis DS, ADHD, Autism, anxiety, depression, or have unusual repetitive behaviors.   
Glutamate initially came to my attention when we obtained urinary neurotransmitters on Presley when she was 2 years old.    She had noted elevations.
MSG is basically everywhere.   In this informative article, Dr Mercola says "MSG is one of the worst food additives on the market and is used in canned soups, crackers, meats, salad dressings, frozen dinners and much more.  It's found in your local supermarket and restaurants, in your child's school cafeteria and, amazingly, even in baby food and infant formula.  MSG is more than just a seasoning like salt and pepper, it actually enhances the flavor of foods, making processed meats and frozen dinners taste fresher and smell better, salad dressings more tasty, and canned foods less tinny."
Here  is a video of Dr  Peirson discussing glutamate at the AutismOne conference. (I am having internet issues and can not access it currently or I would comment more about it, will try to update later).
The Mayo Clinic says: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's "generally recognized as safe," but its use remains controversial. For this reason, when MSG is added to food, the FDA requires that it be listed on the label.   Keep reading to see what names they use to hide it though.
This video sparked my interest in MSG again.  I highly recommend you listen to this 16 minute video. This is Dr Katy Reid from Unblind MyMind,  She is a biochemist and a mom of five children.  Her youngest daughter has autism and through dietary interventions/removing MSG, she was able to resolve all her symptoms of autism.  She mentions the connection of gluten/casein/MSG and why some children improve removing gluten or casein, stating reducing gluten and casein also reduces the free glutamate load as well.  Here I read that wheat, barley, oats, and dairy have the highest contents of glutamate. Foods that have lower amounts are fruits, vegetables, potatoes, eggs and tree nuts like pecans, walnuts, and macadamias

She also states: while glutamate, a naturally occurring amino acid, is produced by our bodies and found in many protein-rich foods, including, meat, vegetables, dairy, eggs, fish and poultry, MSG is derived from the synthetic processing of glutamate and found in nearly 95% of processed foods. In 1908, MSG was developed by a Japanese man for the purpose of enhancing flavor in food. He later went on to form Ajinomoto, the world's leading MSG producer and, ironically, also a drug company.

MSG is approximately 78 percent free glutamic acid, 21 percent sodium, and up to 1 percent contaminants.  MSG is an excitotoxin, which means it can overexcite your cells to the point of damage or death, causing brain damage to varying degrees -- and potentially even triggering or worsening learning disabilities, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease and more. (source).  Per Dr Reid, this free glutamate from MSG is a single amino acid, not linked to other amino acids.  It can immediately enter the blood rapidly and cause surges of varying levels and a variety of symptoms.  Dr Reid says bound glutamate is linked by amino acids to make a series of amino acids and through digestion, there is a slow, controlled release into the blood according to what the body needs. MSG/free glutamate is made when bound glutamate is released from its bond to other amino acids or it can also be chemically created.   It takes a half hour or less for MSG/free glutamate to reach the brain but it takes 4-6 hours for “bound glutamate in food” to get there (source).

Our bodies require glutamate for learning and developmental processes. The amino acids in glutamate are the building blocks of proteins, and subsequently responsible for metabolism and brain function.  Glutamate is also responsible for transmitting signals between neurons and other cells.  We have glutamate receptors all over body, especially the brain, central nervous system, and spinal cord.  When excessive free glutamate/MSG is consumed, it will quickly stimulate this receptors potentially causing a multitude of symptoms within the nervous system and brain.  Receptors are also located in the pancreas and this overstimulation causes excessive insulin release, lowering blood glucose (sugar), thus stimulating your appetite.  Think of eating Chinese food, which is notorious for using MSG, and you can't understand why you are hungry again not long after eating.  There is also 10,000 times the amount of glutamate inside the cells than outside the cells.   It has to be kept in balance, because if glutamate gets outside the cells, it can turn into a toxin an kill neurons.   It can also overly excite the cell, causing it to open its pores excessively and let in large quantities of substances that are normally allowed to enter only in limited amounts (source).

Here is a good video explaining MSG on a simple level and it's effects on different systems of the body.  She also states MSG could be added to dirt and it would make it taste good, which is why it is added to processed foods so they have some type of flavor.  She also states that MSG is given to lab rats to cause obesity and diabetes to do testing of diabetic medications on them.  So why wouldn't it do the same in humans?  There are many opinions and articles stating yes and no.

MSG can be hidden under numerous names.  Per Dr Mercola:
These foods ALWAYS contain MSG 
Autolyzed YeastCalcium Caseinate Gelatin
Glutamate Glutamic Acid Hydrolyzed Protein
Monopotassium Glutamate Monosodium Glutamate  Sodium Caseinate
Textured Protein Yeast Extract Yeast Food
Yeast Nutrient


These foods OFTEN contain or create MSG during processing:

Flavors and FlavoringsSeasonings Natural Flavors and Flavorings Natural Pork FlavoringNatural Beef Flavoring
Natural Chicken FlavoringSoy Sauce Soy Protein Isolate Soy Protein Bouillon
Stock Broth Malt Extract Malt Flavoring
Barley Malt
Anything Enzyme ModifiedCarrageenan Maltodextrin Pectin Enzymes
Protease Corn Starch Citric Acid Powdered Milk Anything Protein Fortified
Anything Ultra-Pasteurized

Here is a comprehensive article listing restaurants and foods by brand that contain MSG.  We like Chick Fil A, so I also looked on their website to see the ingredients and it does show MSG in the form of yeast extract and maltodextrin.  I did find this good homemade recipe for their chicken sandwich though. So, you can possibly look up your favorite restaurants to see if they list their ingredients.

I hope this information peaks your interest on this topic.  There is an abundance of information about MSG available, some quite controversial, so please do your own research and decide what is best for your family.  As for our family, we will try our best to avoid MSG by eating more real foods and avoiding processed foods.  Processed foods are convenient foods, and moms of children with special needs sometimes need convenience just to survive the day, so make changes slowly and keep moving forward.  Best healthy wishes in 2016.

Robin T.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Nightly Rituals...Make It More than Bath and Bed

Robin and I talked tonight regarding some new directions we are going to go with this blog.  We have both had our children on a ND program for the last 4 years.  We have both reached out to physicians that are willing to treat our children bio-medically.  We have realized how alike yet how different our girls really are.  In the past 4 years we have probably talked every day searching for new ideas on how to handle roadblocks, how to make therapy appear fun, how to hold our chin up when faced with struggles, how to balance life between nuerotypical children and special needs, and how to help someone else with their current struggles.

We quickly came to realize that everyday was a different path and a different mountain to climb.  Sometimes a slight incline and others Mt. Everest.  No matter the climb, no matters who's journey it was, we made a silent pact 4 years ago to never walk away from fear.  Along our journey we have met some amazing families.  For some it is DS, others Autism, or Sensory Processing, or a learning disorder and then there are those that just can not put their finger on it.  We have now grown into a small group of mothers that text, message and call each other regarding struggles, opinions and new ideas.  

We decided the ideas we share among ourselves could certainly benefit someone else.  The teaching methods that we discover today with our older children can be revisited in a couple of years for our younger kids.  We will be opening this blog to guest bloggers in hopes of gathering as many ideas as possible to make your job as parent, teacher, counselor, advocate, therapist and researcher easier.

We will not share parts of our ND program on these posts. ND programs are child specific and what is right for one may not be right for another.  If you are not currently on a ND program I strongly encourage you to reach out to one of the following neurodevelopementalists.  

NACD     or     ICAN

Let us move on to why you are reading this particular post. Nightly Rituals...Make It More Than Bath And Bed

Not one of our nightly rituals but certainly a great chore for all ages....LAUNDRY!

We just returned home from a trip so it was added to our "To do list" tonight.

  • Emma's job is to put clothes in the appropriate basket which involves reading the the label, following direction and staying on task.

  • Olivia's job is to decide where each clothing item belongs, relay that information to Emma and ensure Emma is following her direction.
  • They both help take the clothes to the laundry room and put the clothes in the washer.  It is Olivia's job to set the washing machine on the appropriate settings and start the wash.
  • Grant's job is to hang and help fold.  He will point out that his clothes are first priority when he has a load to hang dry. 

My labels originally were: whites, lights, colors and gentle, but light and whites sounded too much alike for Emma so Chad changed it to gray.  Works out perfect now.

Next we were off to bath.  Each bath consists of Epsom salt and lavender for detoxing and relaxation benefits.  I try to have the girls stay in the bath at least 20 minutes to get the full benefit from the soak.  If it was a day that involved swimming in chlorine I will add vitamin c to the bathwater. Wellness Mama put together a great post on the Health Benefits of Magnesium Salt Baths. Here is a great article regarding the importance of removing chloramines after swimming. 

After bath I apply coconut oil to their skin while applying deep pressure.  It is also a great time for Emma to practice dressing herself.  Check out Andi Durkin's post on the benefits of coconut oil. 

Next it is time to feed the baby, give the baby a bath, put the baby to bed, sing to the baby and clean the dishes.  

Olivia and Emma choose the songs for the night.  Tonight it was the ABC song and Finger Family.  This is also a great time to sneak in some processing.

Next it is time to get clothes for tomorrow and take them downstairs.  

Both girls gather their outfits for the next day and place them on a chair downstairs.  So so many lessons taught in such a short period of time.

When I have a sound sleeping Emma in her bed I take a little over 10 minutes and do rhythmic therapy.  Learn more at Move Play Thrive

I turn on Emma's classical music and her essential oil diffuser and fill the air with Idaho Balsam Fir which has been known to enhance the production of hGH and reduce levels of cortisol.

Each night, after they are resting comfortably, I quietly enter their rooms for a prayer focus with a matching verse.

Tonight I prayed for kindness.

Loving Father; as (Grant, Olivia, Emma) comes in contact with new people in his/her life, may he/her treat them as a friend.  Help (Grant, Olivia, Emma) to love, accept and show compassion for the people he/she encounters.

 "Do to others as you would have them do to you."  
Luke 6:31


Monday, October 19, 2015

Auditory input: 35 ideas to get you going

Presley is a very visual little girl. She sees it, she remembers it, and she imitates it.  She is four years old and last month, she began taking ballet classes once a week, so I recorded the routines on my phone and she has learned them fairly well this way.  This is great, but she also needs to keep the visual and auditory input balanced.  We have a great neurodevelopmentist, Lyn Waldeck, with NACD.    This is a personalized program with assessments every 4 months.  Lyn is able to assess and monitor Presley and make recommendations whether we are balanced which allows us to move forward in learning.  Children are naturally visual learners in the beginning.  So, we have to work at increasing the auditory input.   One way we do this is to increase our auditory input is by using a recorder like this.  It can be found here on amazon for $29.95.  Some people use the recorder option on their phone.  Another great tip from warrior mom, Jennifer Cannon, was to record on the phone memo, connect to a small portable speaker ($10) and listen a little louder anywhere.  Presley loves getting ahold of my phone and would begin playing with it if she could, so instead she will push play on this recorder and it goes to the next recording.  So, both good easy options.  I put something she likes first, such a song, followed by something factual to keep her guessing.  I try not to use too many things she has memorized visually so that she doesn't just "play the movie in her head". 

Now on to what information we record. 
1.  Animal sounds - real sounds or us saying them really silly or here
2.  Family members full names, addresses, phone numbers, birthdays
3.  Days of the week, months of the year
4.  Colors of the rainbow
5.  Spelling words: cat, dog, mom, fish
6.  Appropriate social interactions "Hi, my name is Presley", "please"....
7.  Opposites
8.  Facts about our state: bird, flower, tree...
9.  Fruits versus vegetables
10. Five senses
11. Record bird's songs. On this one you have to say the name of each.
12. Following directions practice "touch your hair, mouth, eye. s".
13. ABC phonics.
14. Our dance routine songs.
15. Self esteem booster: you are smart, loved... or here is a cute story
16. Speech sounds you may be working on
17. Money values - a penny is worth 1 cent,...
17. Planets (song we like)
17. Math: 
      - counting, skip counting, addition, subtraction, even/odd numbers....
      - youtube videos: addition counting with exercies
      - read your flashcards you are working on
18.  Nursery rhymes:
      - I read her favorite nursery rhyme book
      - you tube videos
19.  Books:
     - Rainbow Fish
     - Hungry Catepillar
     - Ladybug girl
     - Move Over Rover
     - Pete the Cat
     - Frozen
     - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (to music though)
     - Disney's 5 minute bedtime stories
     - We also checked out some at the library for my 6 year old read aloud
20.  Music - our favorite to disperse throughout
     - Readeez - super fun and informative. We have four of the CD's, but you can also check out some of the videos here.
     - Let it go 
     - Strawberry shortcake's Anything is Possible, which is our theme song
     - My Little Pony
     - Do Re Mi or the Sound of Music version
     - Elvis Presleys Suspicious Mind is one of Presley's favorites.
     - variety of instrument sounds: example
21.  Spanish words, colors, counting (or any other language)
22.  States/capitols.  Readeez has a great states song, Pledge of allegiance.
23.  Poems  or artists or fun sayings such as:
24.  Facts: animal facts, state facts (Arkansas for us),
25.  Religious information:
       -  Bible Cd from Readeez  
       -  ABC bible verses - we printed these free cards too
       -  Psalms 23
       - Ten Commandment Boogie
       - Right now media has a lot of Christian stories to see and hear
       - The rizers are on Right Now media and on youtube
       - Read stories from a children's bible
       - we recorded our night time prayer too
26.  Colors:  primary (red, yellow, blue), mixing (red & yellow = orange...)
27.  Using manners appropriately.
28.   Vowels, what a verb is, what a noun is....
29.   When to capitalize letters
30.   Letters and their sounds,  words that rhyme
31.   Greater than or less than number examples
32.   Read a small story and explain WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE.... It has been suggested to stick with one initially, such as WHO.   Discuss the morale of the story.
33.  Talk about safety:  crossing the street, looking for cars, holding hands, staying together...
34.  Cardinal directions:  north, south, east, west (they will remember the words when you apply them to a map.
35.  Look for free children's audiobooks or podcasts. 
I looked up some of the recommended learning for their grades on our state education website.  They have a "refrigerator" list for parents showing some of the things children are expected to know by grade.   Here are our lists for  Arkansas .   
The options are endless.
NACD will be starting a lending library soon.  See here for more information.
Here is an article about the importance of a good auditory environment.
Hope this gives you some ideas for your own child.  These are right for Presley, based on her NACD assessments, so please remember to use what is appropriate for your child and to check with your neurodevelopmentalist if you are on program.
Blessings to you and your family,

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Find a Vaccine-Friendly Doctor Near You

Some parents choose not to vaccinate their kids.  Others want to partially vaccinate.  Some just aren't sure what they want to do, and they want help figuring what will be best for their child.  If you fit into any of these categories, you may have a hard time finding a vaccine-friendly doctor.  

Please be aware that just because a physician’s office appears on some of these lists, that does NOT necessarily imply that they will be comfortable or supportive of every vaccine decision you make. Some doctors on these lists may not be comfortable with a child remaining completely unvaccinated. Some doctors may not be able to offer a particular brand or form of a vaccine that you may ask for. While the doctors on these lists are here to serve you, you may not necessarily feel that one you choose is a good fit, or vice versa.

In my opinion, if you are with a physician that does not give you options and listen to you regarding vaccinations, find another physician now.  Any physician unwilling to do an alternate schedule which would include all vaccinations being administered over your timeline will most likely be hard to work with in the future regarding any of your concerns.  

Make sure that you read the inserts for all vaccinations prior to administrations.  You can access a full list here.  Regardless of your choice Dr. Sears Vaccine book is a great place to start.

Order here

Criteria for being an "anti-vax friendly doc" 
  • Must not kick patients out of their practice or refuse patients who choose not to vaccinate/selectively vax/delay vax

  • Must not make parents sign waivers that are worded so as to incriminate parents for "putting their child at risk"

  • Must not harass parents every time they have a checkup or harass them through the mail about vaccinations.

  • Must not belittle parents for their decisions or bully them with scare tactics - must respect a parent for their choices.

Cafe Mom's List

Cafe Mom's List 2

 Vaccination Liberation List

VaxTruth List

Additional List

Become educated about childhood diseases and vaccines. You have the ultimate responsibility for your child's health and well-being and you, not your doctor or state or federal health officials, will live with, and be responsible for the consequences of your decision.

Ask your doctor to give your child a physical exam to make sure your child is healthy before you permit vaccination. A sick child can be at increased risk for having a vaccine reaction.

Write down your child's personal and family medical history listing major illnesses and diseases or medical conditions, especially previous reactions to vaccinations, and have it included in your child's permanent medical records. Before permitting vaccination of your child, ask your doctor if any of these conditions will put your child at risk for having a vaccine reaction. A child who has had a previous severe reaction to a vaccination can be especially at risk for even more severe reactions if more vaccine is given. If you are not satisfied with the answers you are given, get a second opinion.

Monitor your child closely after vaccination. Call your doctor if you suspect a reaction. If your doctor is not concerned and you are, take your child to an emergency room.

Obtain a copy of your state mandatory vaccination laws. Become educated about state vaccine requirements, your rights and legal exemptions to vaccination. Click here to review your state law.

Don't be intimidated by medical personnel and forced into a vaccination decision before you are comfortable with your decision.

First, vaccines should only be given when a child is at his or her best health. Second, you should give each vaccine individually whenever possible and available. I feel preparation of your child’s body for each vaccine is extremely important. Finally, consider each vaccine on its merits, your child’s risk factors and age, and/or mandatory requirements

Optimally, before any vaccine is given a child should be completely free from viral and bacterial illness for at least a few days. Whenever possible I recommend he or she be well for one week or more. The reason for this is that the immune system should be as strong as possible before challenging it with a foreign substance to which it must interact by using its immune system to make antibodies, diverting a large portion of the immune system’s resources and energy. Obviously if the immune system has to deal with two stresses at the same time it is more likely to result in either a more severe vaccine reaction or complications to the infection.

If vaccines are given one at a time there is less stress on your child’s immune and detoxification pathways. Inactivated or “dead” vaccines can be given be given every two to four weeks. I currently recommend, however, that the live vaccines: rotavirus, (some) influenza, measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox (varicella), be given at least six, and preferably twelve months apart from each other unless required otherwise and NEVER combined. Unfortunately, there is currently no means to give individual measles, mumps and rubella. Again, there are times that we may need to modify these recommendations for individual reasons.

One further note: there is now evidence that vaccines are likely more effective, and certainly have a reduced possibility of complications if they are given without over the counter antipyretics such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, Tempra and others) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Unless absolutely necessary avoid medicating with these preparations. kidsWellness Fever Pain Formula is an alternative that will not have this effect.
Here are several things you may do to help your child’s body to handle any vaccine in a more efficient manner, in addition to careful and judicious use of vaccines. One of these, and in my estimation the most important, is to have him or her take herbal immune support preparations before and after each vaccine. I currently recommend that you use two different herbal products from kidsWellness. (Note: it is not sufficiently effective for a nursing mother to take these herbal preparations to help her infant.)


The first herbal combination is the Immune Formula (or a similar preparation containing appropriate full potency doses of three or more immune strengthening herbs) to strengthen your child’s immune system. This combination is taken three times daily for three to seven days before and after each vaccine. Immune strengthening herbs cannot be taken continuously for more than four weeks in a row without checking with a physician knowledgeable in herbal products. If prolonged administration of immune stimulant herbs is necessary because of the number of vaccines being given use kidsWellness Immune Formula for three weeks and then change to kidsWellness Family Daily Defense for one week and then back to the Immune Formula.

The second combination is the Detox/Skin Formula (or a similar preparation containing appropriate full potency doses three or more herbs to strengthen liver, intestine and/or kidney function), one dose daily for the first week, then twice daily for the second week. This should be taken for up to two weeks before each vaccine and should be continued for at least six weeks after the last vaccine is given. This may be continued for whatever length of time is necessary.

In addition, we recommend use of Bio Ray NDF for the duration of the vaccination process. This is to further enhance the removal of toxic products from the body, especially metals, such as aluminum and mercury. This preparation must be taken between meals, optimally two hours after and one hour before eating anything (if this isn't possible schedule mid way between two meals). Start with two drops in 4-8 ounces of organic juice twice daily. Gradually increase to a maximum of one drop per 5 pounds body weight (maximum 26 drops). Continue during the vaccination process and three months after you have given the last vaccine. 


Antioxidant vitamins, in adequate doses, either can be given to the nursing mother (if she is not also pregnant) or directly to the child (at certain ages) to enhance immune function.

For nursing mothers I would recommend C Ultratabs (Metagenics, three tablets daily in two or three doses and Zinc A.G. (Metagenics) three capsules daily in two or three doses. Both the vitamin C and zinc will cross into your milk and into the baby’s system. Unfortunately, Vitamins A and E are not known to be readily transmitted into mother’s milk.

For children over six months who are not nursing I recommend the following vitamins taken for several days before and after each vaccine (about 10-14 days):
    1. C Ultrasorb (Metagenics), 1/8 teaspoon per 20 pounds body weight daily. Preferably this should be given in two or more daily doses
    2. Vitamin E 200 I.U. per 20 pounds body weight in one or more daily doses
    3. Vitamin A 5,000 I.U. per 20 pounds body weight in one or more daily doses.


A third method of preparing your child’s immune system for vaccines is for him or her to take homeopathic preparations prior to and after each vaccine. Homeopathic preparations are given by mouth and must be taken at least 15 minutes before and after eating or drinking anything except water. This is usually administered about 15 minutes after a meal is finished, and then must be followed by 15 additional minutes without eating or drinking. The preparation I recommend is from Newton Homeopathics, called “Vaccination Relief” (available through 

It should be given three times daily for one week before and after each vaccine.

An additionally recommended homeopathic preparation for vaccines is the “nosode” of the vaccine that is to be given in a two dose schedule, the first dose approximately two days before and the second two days after that vaccine. The dose of these homeopathic preparations for children under 12 months old is three drops or two pellets, 12 months and older is six drops or four pellets per dose. These are preparations that must be ordered through our office or another health care professional.

Educate yourself and make the best decision for your family. These are some of the highlights from this video and give you a starting point to discuss with your doctor.


* Children with DS & ASD have objective differences on brain MRI's.
* Oxidative stress is present in utero (before born) in children with DS
* SOD (superoxide dismustase) produces H2O2 (hydrogren perioxide) in excess since located on 21st chromosome. Glutathione breaks down H2O2 into H2O (water) and oxidized glutathione, but it is not present on 21st chromosome so is not made in same amount as SOD, so glutathione gets used up quickly. So people with DSwill have low glutathione levels.
* Glutathione is a major anti-oxidant made by the body, has anti-viral properties, removes heavy metals, detoxs body from chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and protects DNA and mitochondria from damage.
* Heavy metals (like mercury) upregulate SOD. People with DS already have an upregulated/increased SOD, so both cause lower glutathione levels.
* Mercury can deplete glutathione and contribute to cell death (apoptosis) when glutathione levels are too low. People with DS already have low glutathione levels.
* Mercury can induce cholinergic dysfunction. People with DS already have cholinergic dysfunction present.
* Mercury induces H2O2 (which is already increased in DS due to overexpression of SOD)
* There are studies showing the toxicity of thimerosal (contains mercury) was greatly augmented when cells suffered from oxidative stress induced by H2O2. (Meaning they gave hydrogen peroxide to test subjects to induce oxidative stress then it was greatly increased when they added thimerosal).
* There have been zero studies done using people with increased sensitivity, such as DS.
* Nov 2004 - US gov conceded a vaccine-autism case in court of federal claims "vaccinations aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disorder resulting in features of autism". (People wiht DS have mitochondrial disorders and it is present prior to birth)
* Feb 2007 - Mitochondria in DS have a lower mitochondrial membrane potential which is underlying the presence of a increasing suspectibility of the organelles to damaging agents. (means their mitochondria are at increased risk to damage already)
* Thimerosal (with mercury) induces programmed cell death via the mitchondrial pathway by inducing oxidative stress and depleting glutathione. (Aug 2007)
* Low glutathione level can make people more sensitive to DNA damage from a variety of mutagenic environmental exposures.
* Infections such as ear infections or tonsillitis will decrease serum anti-oxidants and glutathione and therefore increase oxidative stress, so it is not ok to give a vaccine when they are ill.
* Measles and the measles vaccine itself show the same chromosomal breaks/alterations/disturbances in DNA.
* Example of going to Dr and what happens at minute 43.
* In a healthy person, GI will exclude greater than 95% of dietary aluminum. Tissue accumulations will occur in small amounts. Infants may be at risk for toxicity when consuming formulas containing greater than 300 mcg/l. Breast milk has 9.2 mcg/l. Soy has 534 mcg/l. Casein hydrolysate has 773 mcg/l.
* Aluminum absorption in Alzheimer's exceeds controls by 1.64%. Aluminum absorption in DS exceeds controls by 6%. So they will hold on to 6 times more aluminum than the general population.
* Celiac disease in general population is 0.3-1%. Celiac disease in DS is 4.6-13%. 53% of children with untreated (undiagnosed) Celiac disease will not even respond to Hep B, so may be given repeated doses and accumulate even more aluminum. Those children that were treated with a gluten free diet were 95% responsive, so this should be assessed in children more often.
* Children with DS have a 15-20 fold increase for leukemia. "The mechanism for carcinogenesis in DS could be explaiined by our fiindings SODs enhance metal mediated DNA damage induced by H2O2. We conclude that SOD's may increase the frequency of mutations due to oxidatve DNA damage in cells, increasing carcinogenic potential."

Please watch the video for more detailed information and supporting references.


Although you certainly can do all of the above, and that is what I would recommend if at all possible, it is often burdensome and complicated. Please remember that vaccines have been associated with several potentially serious reactions and that they should be administered with caution and proper preparation. The above recommendations are all those of which I am aware that are helpful. At a minimum I would recommend the following:

1.      For all babies and children nursing at least four times daily I recommend that the mother take the Vitamin C and zinc as outlined in item 2. above. In addition your child should take the Vaccination Relief homeopathic and kidsWellness Immune Formula alternating with kidsWellness Family Daily Defense and the Detox/Skin Formula to start three to seven days before and after each vaccine and continue as recommended above.

2.      For babies and children who are not nursing or nursing less than four times daily I would recommend the kidsWellness Immune Formula alternating with kidsWellness Family Daily Defense, Bio Ray NDF and kidsWellness Detox/Skin Formula, Vitamins C and A, and the Vaccination Relief homeopathic three times daily to start three to seven days before and after each vaccine and continue as above.

3.      For older children you may substitute Echinacea Synergy (Metagenics) or other similar immune enhancing preparation for the Immune Formula and MedCaps DPO (Xymogen) or other similar detoxification product for the Detox/Skin Formula.

If you or your children experience adverse events from a vaccination please report to 

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

As of 8-15-2015 there have been 20,132 adverser reactions reported to the CDC, click here to access the data from the VAERS database.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Preschoolers with Down Syndrome Do Not Yet Show The Learning and Memory Impairments Seen In Adults With Down Syndrome.

"Essentially when matched mental age, preschoolers with Down syndrome performed equivalently with controls."

Read that to yourself again.

"Essentially when matched mental age, preschoolers with Down syndrome performed equivalently with controls."

Those are some of the most beautiful words that I have heard since my daughter has been born.  Before I begin and before you get the wrong idea I need to make this statement.  Emmalin is amazing, I love her and everything about her.  If someone offered me a pill to take away her 3rd chromosome I would not accept it.  I would never gamble with changing the core of who Emma is.

There has been study after study supporting TNI (targeted nutritional therapy) and our kids.  I have seen the data with my own eyes on lab test after lab test with Emmalin.  There are many of our kids that are on thyroid support because their numbers reflect that their thyroid is not working properly.  Unfortunately, most of our physicians do not look past 2 or 3 thyroid numbers.  We look at as much of Emma's overall body as possible.

I was at first hesitant to share this but I really want people to get a clear picture of what we are truly dealing with.  Just by adding 2 new supplements and adjusting some others you can clearly see an impact in her neurotransmitters alone.

Emma's lab spreadsheet

Now we are still working on a lot of different areas with Emma and her bodies needs will continue to change as she grows.  With Emma we are dealing with more that T21.  We are also dealing with hypothyroid, homozygous MTHFR gene mutation and a heart defect that did not get repaired for 3.5 months.

Over the next year we are traveling down some new roads.  As long at the research continues to support the decisions that we make and it is of no harm, we will press forward.

 2015 May;18(3):404-19. doi: 10.1111/desc.12225. Epub 2014 Oct 5.

Preschoolers with Down syndrome do not yet show the learning and memory impairments seen in adults with Down syndrome.


Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) exhibit a behavioral phenotype of specific strengths and weaknesses, in addition to a generalized cognitive delay. In particular, adults with DS exhibit specific deficits in learning and memory processes that depend on the hippocampus, and there is some suggestion of impairments on executive function tasks that depend on the prefrontal cortex. While these functions have been investigated in adults with DS, it is largely unclear how these processes develop in young children with DS. Here we tested preschoolers with DS and typically developing children, age-matched on either receptive language or non-verbal scores as a proxy for mental age (MA), on a battery of eye-tracking and behavioral measures that have been shown to depend on the hippocampus or the prefrontal cortex. Preschoolers with DS performed equivalently to MA-matched controls, suggesting that the disability-specific memory deficits documented in adults with DS, in addition to a cognitive delay, are not yet evident in preschoolers with DS, and likely emerge progressively with age. Our results reinforce the idea that early childhood may be a critical time frame for targeted early intervention. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at
© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

There are many children exceeding the expectations set upon them early in life....all of our children can.