Friday, March 15, 2013

Meet TalkTools Sara and Lori

There are so many things that I thank God for every day.  There are so many things that I pray for every day.  My nightly prayers are ever changing based on the needs of my friends, family and the world around me.  As my children's mother I am very specific with my prayers to God.  My prayers are private and they are between me and God, but I will say this...I am always specific about one thing in my prayers for Emma.  I pray passionately for her speech. 

When people ask me what they can do to help, my response is simply to pray, pray for my Emma to have a voice.  Pray for her speech.  So far God has listened and I thank Him from the bottom of my heart.   Because I feel so strongly about speech and because Emmalin does well in this area I will share everything that we did and currently do regarding speech therapy. 

Now all of our children are strong in certain areas and this is Emma's area (God must get tired of me). Robin will have to write a series on physical therapy because little Presley has always been physically superb.   

I can not possibly expect God to intervene without me doing my part.  I work very hard on Emma's speech therapy and research everything I can to assist in her growth.  After a ton of research Robin and I realized that there is only one group doing everything right.  TalkTools is an amazing company.  They are easy to work with, always there to help via phone or email.  In my opinion they are the speech gurus and because of them many children will be ever changed. 

Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, MS, CCC-SLP

Title: Founder, TalkTools

Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, M.S., CCC-SLP has more than 35 years of experience as a speech and language pathologist. She has spent the last 25 years perfecting her unique brand of muscle-based(oral-motor) speech therapy with a high degree of success, even where traditional speech therapy has failed. Now she is
devoted to teaching others the methods so they can help their clients with difficult to-remediate articulation
Sara is the author of Oral-Motor Exercises for Speech Clarity, Assessment and Treatment of the Jaw-Putting it all Together: Sensory, Feeding and Speech, The HOMEWORK Book, the Drooling Program, Activities for Kids, Assessment and Treatment of the Jaw and other educational materials. She founded Talk Tools®/ ITI /
Innovative Therapists International in 1995 as a speaker's bureau and source for muscle-based (oral-motor) therapy tools. She has held seminars throughout the United States, as well as Canada, Italy, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, England, South Africa, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Cyprus and Singapore.
Sara is the international spokesperson for speech, language and feeding disorders related to CHARGE Syndrome and Moebius Syndrome, a member of the National Down Syndrome Congress 'Professional Advisory Committee (PAC), and a nationally recognized presenter for Down syndrome and Cerebral Palsy associations.  Having worked with early intervention programs in Texas, New York, Connecticut and New Jersey, she has also become a nationally recognized speaker in the area of early
intervention. In addition, Sara regularly appears as a featured speaker for ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) state and national conventions.
The Ithaca College and Columbia University graduate founded Sara R. Johnson & Associates, a clinic specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of clients with muscle-based (oral-motor) feeding and/or speech disorders.
Lori L. Overland, M.S., CCC-SLP, C/NDT

Lori Overland is a speech and language pathologist with more than 30 years of professional experience.

Lori specializes in dealing with the unique needs of infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers and school-aged children with oral motor, feeding and speech disorders. She has received an award from the Connecticut Down Syndrome Association for her work within this population.

Lori consults with children from all over the world, providing evaluations, re-evaluations, program plans and week-long therapy programs. Lori also provides consults to local school districts and Birth-to-Three organizations. Her goal in addressing feeding and speech challenges is to improve the quality of life for both the children she serves and their families.

In addition to her private practice, Lori is a member of TalkTools speaker bureau. Lori has lectured on sensory motor feeding disorders across the United States and internationally. Her classes, "Feeding Therapy: A Sensory-Motor Approach" and "Developing Oral-Motor Feeding Skills in the Down Syndrome Population" are approved for ASHA and AOTA CEUs.

Lori is the author of "A Sensory-Motor Approach to Feeding", Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia) (October 2011) and "Food for Thought", Advance for Directors in Rehabilitation Magazine (May 2001).

She holds degrees from Hofstra University and Adelphi University and has her Neurodevelopmental Treatment certification (NDT).

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