I found some great Montessori beds that met my criteria, but found them expensive or not sturdy enough. I checked locally and it would be $1000 to have them made and still unpainted. This price gained my husband interest to make them himself. We were able to build both of these bed frames for under $200, which included the paint too. He built them in a few hours, and I spent a few hours sanding all the corners and two coats of paint. Add some pretty bedding, flowers, ivy, fairy lights, rugs, and a lamp and they love it!
I thought perhaps this might be a good option for children with different needs or little ones who are crawling out of the crib, but not ready for a big bed. PS. My husband is considering making these if there is enough interest.
Here is what the frame looks like by itself. We did not have plans for it, my husband is pretty talented at building things, so came up with his own plans. I have seen some plans for sale on Etsy though.
Some other fun ideas I considered from this page on Etsy .

Blessings and good luck in your search!
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