One of the best things that you can do for your child is find someone that knows what you are dealing with. Chances are that person is not at your local pediatricians office. We have an amazing pediatrician and we are very blessed with her support, but even she admits that she is not a specialist on Down syndrome-and I do not expect her too be. As my children's mother it is my job to be their expert. When I need guidance I research what I can and present my findings to the professionals.
You will hear a lot of people say...."don't worry just treat them like the rest of your children". This statement is partially true in my opinion. We most certainly treat Emma like the rest of our kids. She enjoys all the same things our other kids do. She plays dress up, she sings and dances, she climbs and slides, she has fits and gets in trouble like the rest of our kids do. She goes to Mother's Day Out just like the other kids did, and she does all the other countless things our other kids do or did. She also has 8 therapy sessions a week, hypothyroidism, cardiologist visits once a year, orthodontist appointments at the age of 2, labs drawn every 3 months, has a restricted diet and is on a neurodevelopmental program unlike the rest of our kids. With that said...Emma's life will always be a little different than theirs. Because of the 21st chromosome it is very important that Emma gets bio medical support. We believe that we have to have someone that understands exactly what Down syndrome is and how we can help Emma's body function at it best.
There are not a lot of physicians that truly understand this about our kids, so I have decided to compile a list of ones that I feel are good choices. Because we use Erica Peirson I will start with her. Our appointments with Dr. Peirson are done via Skype.
Erica Peirson, ND
2161 NE Broadway St.
Portland, OR 97232
Portland, OR 97232
Norm Schwartz, MD
Ph: 414 351 5772
Fax: 414 351 5760
4200 W. Good Hope Road
Milwaukee, WI 53209
David Berger, MD, FAAP
3405 W. Fletcher Ave
The Franz Center
3160 Southgate Commerce Bld. #64
Orlando FL 32806
Phone 407-857-8860
Fax 407-857-7099
(for thyroid)
Raphel Kellman, MD
150 East 55th Street, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 717-1118
Recognize the value of biomedical treatment of children and adults with Down syndrome Please sign.
Norm Schwartz, MD
Ph: 414 351 5772
Fax: 414 351 5760
4200 W. Good Hope Road
Milwaukee, WI 53209
David Berger, MD, FAAP
3405 W. Fletcher Ave
Tampa, FL 33618
(813) 960-3415
The Franz Center
3160 Southgate Commerce Bld. #64
Orlando FL 32806
Phone 407-857-8860
Fax 407-857-7099
(for thyroid)
Raphel Kellman, MD
150 East 55th Street, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 717-1118
If you do make an appointment with Dr. Franz, make sure it's ONLY with HER. Her associates are inconsistent at best... (And I think I've met them all...)